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Search: "definitions"   •   Results found: 15

What’s the difference between an outlaw, a bandit, and a crook?

What’s the difference between an outlaw, a bandit, and a crook?

Which “duck” came first: The action or the aquatic bird?

Which “duck” came first: The action or the aquatic bird?

What’s the difference between a ship and a boat?

What’s the difference between a ship and a boat?

What’s the difference between quarantine and isolation?

What is a wisdom biscuit?

What is a semordnilap?

What is Yule?

On which continent would you find Hawaii?

On which continent would you find Hawaii?

How much is a butt-load?


What are the Seven Seas?

Why do we say “beforehand” but not “afterhand”?

When to use palate, palette, and pallet?

When does “literally” really mean “figuratively”?

Was Sputnik the first man-made object in space?

Is a scientific theory less certain than a scientific law?