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Search: "Wikipedia"   •   Results found: 32

How many volumes would Wikipedia fill in print?

How many volumes would Wikipedia fill in print?

What is “eye of newt”?

What is “eye of newt”?

Why is there no E grade?

Why is there no E grade?

Is there such a thing as a single shenanigan?

Is there such a thing as a single shenanigan?

Why don’t printers use the primary colours, red, blue, and yellow?

Why don’t printers use the primary colours, red, blue, and yellow?

Why do we get wisdom teeth?

Why do we get wisdom teeth?

What’s the difference between an idiot, an imbecile, and a moron?

What’s the difference between an idiot, an imbecile, and a moron?

What’s the difference between an outlaw, a bandit, and a crook?

What’s the difference between an outlaw, a bandit, and a crook?

Who’s older, Gary Oldman or Gary Numan?

Who’s older, Gary Oldman or Gary Numan?


Why do we call successful movies blockbusters?

Why do we call successful movies blockbusters?

What is zero to the power of zero?

What is zero to the power of zero?

Why is Kansas City located in Missouri?

Who was Chef Boyardee?

Who was Chef Boyardee?

What’s special about Agloe, NY?

What’s special about Agloe, NY?

Who was Jethro Tull?

Who was Jethro Tull?

How far was Willie Mays from home plate when he made “The Catch”?

How far was Willie Mays from home plate when he made “The Catch”?

Who was Rube Goldberg?

Who was Rube Goldberg?

Is Sodium Pentothal real and is it actually a truth serum?

Is Sodium Pentothal real and is it actually a truth serum?

Which is correct, down the pike or down the pipe?

Why drop a ball at midnight on New Year’s Eve?

Why drop a ball at midnight on New Year’s Eve?

How long is an eon?

Which way do helicopter blades rotate?

Which way do helicopter blades rotate?

Do non-human animals get cavities?

Which orange was named first, the fruit or the colour?

Which orange was named first, the fruit or the colour?

Which came first – chess or checkers?


What do they call Danish pastries in Denmark?

An interrobang‽ What the what‽

An interrobang‽ What the what‽

Which came first – the electric car or the gasoline car?

What Canadian political party famously vowed to repeal the law of gravity?

What Canadian political party famously vowed to repeal the law of gravity?

How long is a “moment”?

Are there any areas of unclaimed land left on earth?

When is a word opposite of itself?