Bite-sized knowledge for the hungrily curious
Search: "event"   •   Results found: 33

What is “eye of newt”?

What is “eye of newt”?

Is there such a thing as a single shenanigan?

Is there such a thing as a single shenanigan?

How did people open cans before can openers were invented?

How did people open cans before can openers were invented?

What’s the difference between persons and people?

What’s the difference between persons and people?

Why do dump trucks say “do not push” on the back?

Why do dump trucks say “do not push” on the back?

What was the longest war in history?

What was the longest war in history?

How far was Willie Mays from home plate when he made “The Catch”?

How far was Willie Mays from home plate when he made “The Catch”?

Why does February have 28 days?

What is the origin of the word defenestration?

What is the origin of the word defenestration?


Why does the CDC want you to hum Happy Birthday – twice?

Why does the CDC want you to hum Happy Birthday – twice?

What percentage of the human body is made up of other organisms?

Do non-human animals get cavities?

Which came first – chess or checkers?

Why do we say “beforehand” but not “afterhand”?

Kramer’s name on Seinfeld wasn’t originally Kramer. What was it?

Kramer’s name on Seinfeld wasn’t originally Kramer. What was it?

Are redheads going extinct?

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