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Search: "can" • Results found: 114
How did people open cans before can openers were invented?
How did people open cans before can openers were invented?
How far can porcupines shoot their quills?
How far can porcupines shoot their quills?
Did you know you can get Wisdom Biscuits by email?
Did you know you can get Wisdom Biscuits by email?
What Canadian political party famously vowed to repeal the law of gravity?
What Canadian political party famously vowed to repeal the law of gravity?
Why can’t you own a single Guinea Pig in Switzerland?
Which came first – American or Canadian Thanksgiving?
Is “Oldfangled” Actually a Word?
Is “Oldfangled” Actually a Word?
What is a “hoser”?
What is a “hoser”?
What is the origin of Groundhog Day?
What is the origin of Groundhog Day?
Do partridges live in pear trees?
Do partridges live in pear trees?
Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
Does the medical symbol have one snake or two?
Does the medical symbol have one snake or two?
Why are poppies the symbol of Remembrance Day!
Why are poppies the symbol of Remembrance Day!
Why do kids “trick or treat” on Halloween?
Why do kids “trick or treat” on Halloween?
What’s the difference between a frog and a toad?
What’s the difference between a frog and a toad?
Why is there no E grade?
Why is there no E grade?
Why do we say “Bob’s your uncle?”
Why do we say “Bob’s your uncle?”
Is a dog’s mouth cleaner than a human’s?
Is a dog’s mouth cleaner than a human’s?
Is there such a thing as a single shenanigan?
Is there such a thing as a single shenanigan?
Why don’t printers use the primary colours, red, blue, and yellow?
Why don’t printers use the primary colours, red, blue, and yellow?
How did Lynyrd Skynyrd get their name?
How did Lynyrd Skynyrd get their name?
Why do we get wisdom teeth?
Why do we get wisdom teeth?
What’s the difference between an idiot, an imbecile, and a moron?
What’s the difference between an idiot, an imbecile, and a moron?
What’s the difference between an outlaw, a bandit, and a crook?
What’s the difference between an outlaw, a bandit, and a crook?
Do ostriches really bury their heads in the sand?
Do ostriches really bury their heads in the sand?
What is the name of Frankenstein’s monster?
What is the name of Frankenstein’s monster?
What’s the difference between persons and people?
What’s the difference between persons and people?
What is zero to the power of zero?
What is zero to the power of zero?
Is it “chomping at the bit” or “champing at the bit”?
Is it “chomping at the bit” or “champing at the bit”?
Why do dump trucks say “do not push” on the back?
Why do dump trucks say “do not push” on the back?
Who was Chef Boyardee?
Who was Chef Boyardee?
Which “duck” came first: The action or the aquatic bird?
Which “duck” came first: The action or the aquatic bird?
Why do we go to hell “in a handbasket”?
Why do we go to hell “in a handbasket”?
Why don’t woodchucks chuck wood?
Why don’t woodchucks chuck wood?
What’s the difference between cream, lotion, and ointment?
What’s the difference between cream, lotion, and ointment?
Which came first, M&Ms or Smarties?
Which came first, M&Ms or Smarties?
What’s special about Agloe, NY?
What’s special about Agloe, NY?
Why do we say “close but no cigar”?
Why do we say “close but no cigar”?
Who was Jethro Tull?
Who was Jethro Tull?
What colour is neon light?
What colour is neon light?
Do sharks die if they stop moving?
Do sharks die if they stop moving?
Was Colonel Sanders a real colonel?
Was Colonel Sanders a real colonel?
When was the longest year in history?
When was the longest year in history?
Who was Rube Goldberg?
Who was Rube Goldberg?
How big is a cubit?
How big is a cubit?
What’s the difference between a meteor and an asteroid?
What’s the difference between a meteor and an asteroid?
What’s the difference between a ship and a boat?
What’s the difference between a ship and a boat?
What is a Pittsburgh Pirate?
What is a Pittsburgh Pirate?
What is the highest-scoring Scrabble word?
What is the highest-scoring Scrabble word?
How many senses do humans have?
How many senses do humans have?
What state is home to Springfield from The Simpsons?
What state is home to Springfield from The Simpsons?
What’s the difference between quarantine and isolation?
If you skydive in the rain, which side of you gets wet?
If you skydive in the rain, which side of you gets wet?
How many volumes would Wikipedia fill in print?
How many volumes would Wikipedia fill in print?
What’s the difference between obliged and obligated?
Why does the CDC want you to hum Happy Birthday – twice?
Why does the CDC want you to hum Happy Birthday – twice?
What’s the air pressure inside a commercial aircraft?
What’s the air pressure inside a commercial aircraft?
Is Sodium Pentothal real and is it actually a truth serum?
Is Sodium Pentothal real and is it actually a truth serum?
Which “second” came first, the unit of time or the place following first?
What is a semordnilap?
What connects Stanley Kubrick, JRR Tolkien, and The Beatles?
How do viruses jump from animals to humans?
What percentage of the human body is made up of other organisms?
If you buy 1 million Lotto Max tickets, what are your odds of winning?
If you buy 1 million Lotto Max tickets, what are your odds of winning?
Why is the same side of the moon always facing earth?
Why is the same side of the moon always facing earth?
Why is a big purple vegetable called an eggplant?
Why is a big purple vegetable called an eggplant?
In how many films did Michael Douglas play Batman?
In how many films did Michael Douglas play Batman?
What average speed is required in order to go Around the World in 80 Days?
What average speed is required in order to go Around the World in 80 Days?
What does “Auld Lang Syne” mean?
What’s the difference between a possum and an opossum?
What’s the difference between a possum and an opossum?
What is Yule?
Which way do helicopter blades rotate?
Which way do helicopter blades rotate?
Do non-human animals get cavities?
Where did the song Mahna Mahna make its debut?
Where did the song Mahna Mahna make its debut?
Why does Tim Hortons restaurant have no apostrophe?
Why does Tim Hortons restaurant have no apostrophe?
Is a tarantula hawk an arachnid or a bird?
Is a tarantula hawk an arachnid or a bird?
What do they call turkey in Turkey?
What do they call turkey in Turkey?
On which continent would you find Hawaii?
On which continent would you find Hawaii?
How much is a butt-load?
What is the tallest mountain on earth?
What is the tallest mountain on earth?
What is the horsepower of one horse?
What is the horsepower of one horse?
What are the Seven Seas?
What material was Mr. Potato Head originally made from?
What material was Mr. Potato Head originally made from?
Which came first – field hockey or ice hockey?
Which came first – field hockey or ice hockey?
What’s the difference between jail, prison, and penitentiary?
What’s the difference between jail, prison, and penitentiary?
Why did Gene Roddenberry write lyrics to the Star Trek theme then not use them?
Why did Gene Roddenberry write lyrics to the Star Trek theme then not use them?
Why do we say “beforehand” but not “afterhand”?
An interrobang‽ What the what‽
An interrobang‽ What the what‽
On which film is Airplane! based?
On which film is Airplane! based?
What does the acronym Taser stand for?
What does the acronym Taser stand for?
What does a blobfish look like?
What does a blobfish look like?
Which is correct – “octopuses”, “octopi” or something else?
Which is correct – “octopuses”, “octopi” or something else?
Why do some refer to Toronto as the 6ix?
Why do some refer to Toronto as the 6ix?
What is an “REO Speedwagon”?
What is an “REO Speedwagon”?
How ‘deep’ is 20,000 leagues?
How ‘deep’ is 20,000 leagues?
Which came first – the electric car or the gasoline car?
Kramer’s name on Seinfeld wasn’t originally Kramer. What was it?
Kramer’s name on Seinfeld wasn’t originally Kramer. What was it?
Which came first – the Washington Nationals logo or Walgreens logo?
How does an exception prove a rule?
Why do we say soccer instead of football in North America?
Why are Wham-o flying discs called Frisbees?
Why are Wham-o flying discs called Frisbees?
Why isn’t it the Toronto Maple Leaves?
Why isn’t it the Toronto Maple Leaves?
Why did a Peppa Pig episode get banned in Australia?
Why did a Peppa Pig episode get banned in Australia?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Are redheads going extinct?
When to use palate, palette, and pallet?
What is a fatal dose of bananas?
What is a fatal dose of bananas?
What is the volume of a “ten gallon” hat?
What is the volume of a “ten gallon” hat?
When is a word opposite of itself?
Who’s idea was it to put pineapple on pizza?
Who’s idea was it to put pineapple on pizza?
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